Dhansari Belsot Mechanized Bridge
Dhansari is a river side village of Kamala river which is non-fordable most of the time. The majority of the population are Dalit and Janajati community comprising with countable population of Danuwar (ethnicity who do not having their own land) community. The social fabric of the community is homogeneous and all caste and creed are still confining there activities in preserving and promoting their respective culture, language and religion, the main source of their employment is agriculture but they always face a considerable grain deficit due to poor yield.
Dhansari-Belsot is the most important transit point between Sindhuli and Udayapur districts and also links up to the people of Dhanusha district. This junction point is frequently used by students, porters and farmers. There is a tentative crossing by about three hundreds persons each day. There are no other crossings near the site. The construction of mechanized bridge at the Dhansari-Belsot can explore the required technology for enhancement of rural livelihood.